Here's the night time pics I have so far. I have all the lights aimed pretty good right now. I can see a lot farther and I can't see the faces of any oncoming drivers so I'm getting there. I think I may raise them a tad more. Between the high beams and the driving lights, I'm very happy. I actually feel safer driving at night (deer).
I'll tell ya now these pics are crappy. I took em with the camera, but its SO automatic, you can't change certain setting on your own.
Here's the basic Beam Pattern on a wall. It has a LOT better upper-beam cut off than the old lights did. My old ones kinds looked like smudges, with no real cut off, just a
Various pics with the lights at different settings.
In the woods
Low Beams
High Beams
High Beams with Driving Lights
In the garage
Low Beams
High Beams
High Beams with Driving Lights
I also LOVE that the high beams aren't way off in useless out-space. On my old ones, the high beams weren't that good because of how they were aimed. When I had the low-beams where I wanted them, the highs were like twice as high as they should have been and way off to the left. I hated that.
I like them so far. We'll see when the relays are all done up.
I'll add a few pics after the relays are done here.