Thread: Rear leaf help
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Old 12-23-2010, 06:39 AM   #10
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Re: Rear leaf help

Originally Posted by 1tonchevy View Post
LOL i'm crazy but not that crazy! So to clarify my original question do i have to detach my main spring from the truck to do this?

The way i was thinking of doing it ( feel free to correct me if it's not a good idea)

-Leave the truck on the ground Block ALL tires,

-Undo/cut the u bolts out Jack the truck up as to relieve pressure from the springs (have them clamped of course) than undo the center pins remove leafes as needed (lots lol) and re install everything.

it sounds good im my head but i just want to make sure. it's a learning experience for me.
100's of ways to do it but don't cut or remove anything til everything is completely supported.

If you have never done this Google or Youtube a few movies and see how people do it, it's not a big deal but that's a lot of weight that can hurt you or your friend if you don't really know what to expect.

I quickly typed in "rear leaf spring removal" and got this watch a few of these so you get an idea. This is a 3 + 1 rear leaf setup on a half ton (light in comparison) and watch how fast it drops, you have an 11 + 1 and another 10 or so, (don't exactly remember the count but VERY heavy) but I think you get my point. I know you're not lifting your truck but its the removal instructions you're looking for.

I'm not trying to sound like your mom but I don't want anyone getting hurt either. Just take your time and be safe! If you have any questions post back and ask, everyone here is always welcome to help!!

Last edited by Mkcustums; 12-23-2010 at 06:44 AM.
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