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Old 12-23-2010, 05:05 PM   #1
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Posts: 198
what is supposed to come first? (rear end topic)

newb on the s10 swap, and really first time hitting a project of this size...

What comes first on deciding the rear end? Ride height, tires/rims, the actual rear end? I really don't want to be buying parts and trying to make things fit. I would rather have it planned out on paper and buy the right parts that fit together.
What I know is I have a bone stock 350 and 350 trans, I'm not looking to use this as real truck, this is for cruising around, bone stock 350 is fine for me, some highway driving will be done (40/60- hwy/city). I won't be pulling anything with the truck either.
After lots of reading and some pm's- the 4x4 blazer rear end needs spacers- I'm not keen on that. 2nd gen camaro has drums, I'd like all disc- but not opposed to the rear drum setup, 3rd gen camaro is weak (read this in a few post), 94-01 explorer 8.8 is a solid rear end, but hubs needs to be re-drilled for chevy 5 lug.

So my mind is mushy and I'm looking for clarity.
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