Thread: 427 Tall Deck
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Old 12-24-2010, 11:40 PM   #16
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Re: 427 Tall Deck

I put a 427 tall deck into my 74 Gmc 4x4 so if you have any question I will do my best to help you out. There are a couple of things that a lot of people don't know about tall deck BBC's like most don't use peanut port heads. The heads they use are basically a 781 or 049 but they use tiny 1.84 intake valves instead of the normal 2.06 valves. I know this for a fact because I have torn down a lot of tall deck's. If you use a stock TD intake then any sbc/bbc distributer will work fine but if you go with a after market intake then you will need to modify the distributor. I had a strong 350 in my truck before the swap and I will tell you that the 427 has a ton of low end torque and with a little more cam it will easily go to 5000rpm. When I did mine I used regular 454 water pump and power steering brackets and used the td 427 alt bracket and any sbc/bbc motor mount work. It was a easy swap and I got a very cheap big block. Here are a few pictures and as you can see it looks right at home in there.
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