Thread: The Brown Truck
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Old 12-25-2010, 12:39 PM   #8
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Re: The Brown Truck

Since I've been burned by POR-15 in the past (painted a trailer without proper cleaning and prep, and no UV protective topcoat--the coating failed miserably after about 6 months) I decided to go the whole nine yards with the frame. After sandblasting, I degreased with Marine Clean and prepped the metal with Metal Ready. I think this was overkill, but I wanted to be safe. I put one solid coat of black on the frame, and two coats on some of the smaller parts. After one coat, the black doesn't look great, but two coats look nice and shiny. The folks at POR recommend two coats. I then topcoated everything with a coat of thier Chassis Black. Since it is cold here in Montana, I was only able to heat my garage to about 55 degrees, so the paint dried very slowly, and there are some definite brush marks in the paint. I think the cold limited the paint's ability to flow.

Overall, it looks OK, but not great. I think it would have been better if I had put two very thin coats of each product on, but I did it all by myself and spent 16+ hours getting done what I did. If I could do it again, I think I would get set up to spray it. Overall, after a week of drying, I have a decent looking, very strong finish on my frame and that is the most important part.

Originally Posted by 66farmer View Post
How did the paint job turn out? I sand blasted my frame and used POR15 semi gloss back and the gray on some of the parts. I called POR to ask if I needed the cleaner and metal ready he said blow it off and paint it. The gray looks great the black is ok but inconsistent in color. I used a paint brush and did one coat. I would post a picture but having problems doing so.
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