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Old 06-25-2003, 12:31 AM   #3
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blazer info

I saw on the end of your post that you are looking for NOS blazer bedsides. I am redoing a 1970 blazer right now and I am a welder. I am going to put in steel bedsides that I cut out of gauge sheet metal- (thick stuff) and send it to the powder coaters. It will have the interior blue color at the top and slowly fade to black at the bottom, I am doing the same with the seat backs on the front buckets. I am doing a stock color dark blue blazer with blue/black houndstooth/vinyl seats. I am also thinking about doing the door panels in a black and having either a chevy bowtie in the interior bleu, or just plain black. I went with black carpet and black console, and black seat belts. It originally had all blue for the interior, but I don't like all of the different colors of blue all in the interior. I will post a bunch of pictures when I get it done- should be done by august.

1970 CST Blazer-Orig. Dark Blue-SOLD

Progress Pics of Blazer for sale
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