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Old 12-26-2010, 06:43 AM   #10
C. M. Wolf
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Re: Welder's warning...

Originally Posted by skillet View Post
Thanks for the article, I did not know that! The first time I ever welded on some galvanized metal it gave me a terrible headache. A navy buddy of mine told me that welding or cutting on galvanized metal could produce phosgene gas. He said that's what they used in WWI, aka, mustard gas. I used a respirator the few times after that and have since decided not to weld galvanized material.
I'm a welder,(AWS Cert), if you drink "milk" after welding galv-metals it'll cure that headache. But I think you might be screwed if you weld galv-metal and are lactose-intolerant!
...And the "Mustard Gas" that was used in WWI as an 'anti-personel weapon' was a mix of Ammonia and Chlorine/Chlorides with another chemical or two added for dispersment and 'stick'. (It was called "Mustard Gas" because the concentrated ammonia and chlonine powders when mixed, were like the color of "Mustard". This was mostly used during the winters and rainy seasons so that when it thawed out on a soldier's clothes later in the trenches or mixed with the water in the air, it worked faster as a weapon taking out more people.)
When clorine gas mixes with water in the body it become a form of Hydrochloric acid, mix this with Ammonia and the acid compound becomes very lethal, very quickly,(hyperactively).



Last edited by C. M. Wolf; 12-26-2010 at 07:00 AM.
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