From what I know, tachometers are rare in '88-'94 GM trucks, so I was surprised to see that. As for the mileage on the odometer, I've put just over 1,100 since putting the front end back together.

Power locks and windows, gotta love 'em.

The horn button had the 'Southern Comfort' thing covering the GMC logo. That came off in a hurry, along with the hideous red and black steering wheel cover that you see here.

I kind of like the wood trim. One of the two added in dome lights doesn't work, but hey! I've got bxtch lights, along with a radar detector.

The factory radio isn't even hooked up, currently I've got a 10-year-old JVC unit hooked up that my dad yanked out of his Dodge flatbed right before he sold it. The idiot that had this truck, all he did was unplug his stereo, he didn't even take out the wiring. So I'm not really bugged by the clock covering the radio screen.