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Old 12-27-2010, 04:29 PM   #8
Russell Ashley
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Re: 58 apache 31 stepside noob project help!

Most everyone here on this forum, including myself, has started out with worse looking trucks than yours. If it were me, I'd get about 3-4 cans of Comet cleanser and and some WD-40, or other spray lube. Take out the floormat if it has one, and wash it inside and out. Don't hose the dash and guages, of course, just wash out the floor and cab corners. Then scrub the exterior, door edges, door posts, etc. with the Comet and a rag. You'll be surprised at how much better it will look. After it dries use the spray lube on hinges, latches, window rollers, and anything else that needs lubing. Then follow JMR5's advice.
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