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Old 12-27-2010, 06:59 PM   #375
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Re: Lurker OrrieG Progress Pics

Originally Posted by OrrieG View Post
Long weekend with lots of thinking and not much physical progress. Did get some misc. parts ordered from Vintage Air so I can get the a/c underdash done. Did a lot of online research on seals and other misc parts. Got the wiper arms done. Did a mock up for under dash gauge and a/c diffuser cluster then decided I did not like it. Going to upholster the VA one and go old school chrome triple bezel for water, trans temp and oil pressure. Reviewed wiring install instructions and Alan Horvaths site.

Made up templates of the cab inside back to figure out what I want. Here is a sketch of what I'm aiming for. Truck will be used so need place for 6x9 speakers on the sides, 12" woofer to give my wife some ammo to remind me I'm half-deaf, and lots of misc. storage compartments. Also going with folding rod, gun, plan, etc. racks.
Nice sketch but forget the rod holders and make it for a rifle and shotgun, seeing how our world is so messed up!!!!!!!
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