Changing ignition in steering column, how?
I just took the steering column out of my 77 C10 parts truck to put it into my 77 K10, but now I need to swith the iginition out because the one from the parts truck is no good. How do I do this? I just wana change the part that the key inserts into, (I believe it's called the tumbler right?) and the rod that connects to it and runs down to the plug that is mounted on the steering column. I looked through an old chiltons book, but it doesn't help me none in this area. I am probably gonna go out and buy a new Chiltons or Haynes manual here pretty soon, but until then I am hoping you guyscan give me some input.
Thakns in advance for any and all info.
p.s. What do you guys recomend for a good manual? I want something that is very thorough (spelling?) and gives detailed explanations on just about everyhting.