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Old 06-25-2003, 12:27 PM   #2
old Rusty C10
Robert Olson Transport
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: recent transplant to NC USA
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first mount the steering column in the truck its prolly easier this way. ( ya just have to put int he bolts that hold it up in place.
remove the steering wheel
use that compressor thing to push down the round plate ya see under thewheel it s crews onto the nub that the wheel hold down bolt is on and ya turn the bottom til it compresses the plate.. theres a snap ring on there ya take that out and unscrew the tool
once the plate is off youll see the turn signal switch.. unscrew the lever on that
now lift out the turn signal switch
there should be a couple of small hex head bolts un there or maybe therye phillips head or torx (its been a while)
unscrew the two of them out and thers some kind of plastic pins ya pull out too
the ignition tumbler should fall out now
for the rod youll have to take the section of the column out and if im not mistaken that just unblots and youll see the rod there
its pretty simple actually

1951 International running on a squarebody chassis

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