Thread: Half way low
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Old 12-29-2010, 02:51 PM   #1
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Half way low

The weather for my vacation time is really not for workin on the truck. I did have a couple of days without rain so I got off my duff and got the back done. I'm kinda disappointed as I see some problems that do crop up. I used an axle perch from Tractor Supply and drilled another hole to relocate the axle back 1 inch. I may have been happier getting the drive shaft shortened. I was thinking of swaping the springs left to right to compensate for the chevy lean but didn't (hine sight 20:20). I have yet to mount the shocks but I see a slight problem there but I think I can get away with thin nut as there is not much room between the shock mount and the lower spring plate. Oh I'll bet that spare tire will have to go too.

But look at the bright side I'm half way there. I just need a couple of days off with good weather.
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Last edited by 1LowToy; 12-29-2010 at 02:53 PM.
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