Thread: Canada Help!!
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Old 12-29-2010, 07:36 PM   #1
Robert Paul Thomas
1967 C-10 SWB LS-6 T-56
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Ontario Canada
Posts: 425

Ok, finishing the restoration on my 67. I have a passenger outside door handle, and the part number on the box reads 3905683, which is correct for 67. On the handle however it reads 3927898, and the bolt holes go straight into the handle , as appose to into the handle on an angle, again correct for 67. This is where I get lost, I have a handle that reads 3927899, should be correct for the drivers side, but the holes are wrong, they go in on an angle. So what is the correct part number for 67 drivers door handle, does anyone have a NOS one willing to trade for a NOS Right and Left??
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