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Old 12-30-2010, 12:21 AM   #14
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Location: Tarrytown, NY
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Re: Ok im gonna vent a bit

I'm partial to the stock heights - but who really cares what I think - BUT I think a lot of people would agree with this - it's more important that you do the job right - lifting or lowering - if your just doing some hack job so it looks cool, that's what irks me. How can I complain or dis someone who spends countless hours (or even money) working on his/her truck - I mean that's pretty cool the dedication and craft, really, that goes into some of these machines. It's just lame when someone buys some big tires (or wide tires) and a hack saw and is ready to roll. I know there are plenty of people without the time or money or experience - so I don't mean to make anyone feel bad (I was also young once and did some stupid stuff) -- but I guess the bottom line for me is I don't mind if people modify their truck if it's done right. (My fear is most modifications aren't done right). Right now my skill level is some where about about 3 on a scale of 1 to 10 - I kind of feel like this thing (72 burb) is bigger than me - it deserves some respect. For me the best respect I can give it is to leave it alone.
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