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Old 12-30-2010, 02:47 PM   #23
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Re: what is up with these people think they got gold in these trucks

Originally Posted by Danny Bost View Post
I have always owned one of these trucks, mainly because I like them. Part of what is fueling the rise in price is the fact that most people can't afford a muscle car anymore.
This is exactly what I have been saying forever! "Most people" are not into trucks, there into cars, and the 2 door pickup is there next logical affordable vehicle to pursue.It is true there are many who owned shortbed 1/2 tons or 4X4's long before the mucscle car craze and prefer the pickup, but many of the new buyers probably would never have bought a pickup if other 2 door cars were plentiful. The lowered 1/2 ton shortbed is their new muscle car. They are no longer trucks when the complete transformation is made, they are esentially mucscle cars with pickup boxes. It is a free country, and fine we all have our perogatives and preferences. Prices will generally go up for all series of 67 thru 72 pickups, longbeds, longhorns, 3/4 tons and 1 tons because chances are they might be transformed into a shortbed 1/2 ton or they might be stripped for clean sheetmetal and or nice options. But remember, the more the popularity of these trucks, the more experts there will be out there, and will be harder to pass off a clone or non-numbers matching vehicle.
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