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Old 06-26-2003, 07:20 AM   #1
the baron
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I HATE these PC's

I try now for 4 hours to get a pic in one of the threads on this board.
Any time , it tells me : pic too large
I work with "Finepixviewer" , trying to reduce the size , but it still is too big.
I've even tried to go to , I'm unable to create an album...
I have sometimes that urgent envy to throw that f****** PC thing through the window or put it under my wheels , it would releave me from some headaches.
And please , don't try to explain how I should work , I wouldn't get it.
Should these PC's be as easy to work on as our trucks , I would be the King ( sort of , at least...)
I'm a loser
I will just have to e-mail these pic's to one of the moderators , as usual...

The Baron
1979 C10 Long bed , Olds engine 350ci , stock
1977 Impala Sedan 250ci , "Ye Old Reliable"
1960 Girl Friend , who loves losers
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