Thread: Factory stock ?
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Old 01-03-2011, 06:16 PM   #26
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Re: Factory stock ?

First, I'm not a collector. Second, if I did come accross a truck like that, you bet I'd sell it to a collector because I would definitely be liking his money more than he would! I am saying that I in no way care to have a truck that I ned to spit and polish more than I can drive it. And if I can't drive it the way I want to then it isn't worth having. I presonally think to have a a truck just setting around looking pretty is a waste. Trucks were made to be used, so I use them. I can always look at pictures, or go to parades, or museums if I want to look at a boring stocker. Purist or rodder, those are the two extremes no matter the vehicles at hand.
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