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Old 01-05-2011, 12:46 AM   #1
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Location: Dub VC Utah
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Love it when my days end like this.....

So I'm driving home from work (9:00P.M.) and come to my routine left hand turn. Double lane left turn, I usually turn from the far left and there's generally very few people on the back road this time of night. Left arrow turns green and I start to turn along with a car to my right.... Well wouldn't you know it? Some dumb ass girl with her friend in the car decides that she owns the road and is going to turn into my lane.... So what do I do? Cut it short and hit the curb at about 10mph with my left front. Okay, whatever, ladies retarded no harm done.... Oh wait, why is my wheel cocked so far right going straight? So I follow her into a nearby parking lot and walk up to her window. "Sorry dude.... I didn't hit you."
"No, you just tried to run me off the road and I hit the curb, insurance info please."
She throws her insurance paper at me and drives off..... Good thing I wrote down her plate number before I even got out of my truck.


And a quick question, if I take my truck to say, Big O or something, can they inspect my front end and tell me the damages? I can hear a slight noise when driving straight, like metal on metal but very faint. It's a K10 with discs and 5.5" lift if that makes any difference...... I'm just very irrate right now....

Edit- I looked at the front end with what light I had and didn't see anything that appeared bent, but my dad says I possibly could've bent the frame at the steering box. He says it's a common problem for 1/2 tons. Anyone hear of this?
'70 K10-- 4" lift on 35"s-- For Sale

Last edited by Nova70; 01-05-2011 at 12:51 AM.
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