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Old 01-06-2011, 05:11 PM   #4
Longhorn Man
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Re: Blowing taillights fuse?

this fuse also runs the brake lights, parking lights, and dome light.
If it blows when you first put the fuse in, then it is probably (99%) going to be in the dome light circuit.
While under the dash, look by the fuse block. There should be a plug with one orange and onw white wire. If memory serves it comes out from behind the fuse block its self. unplug that, and put your fuse in. If the huse doesn't pop, then you need to follow that wire up to the light. The orange is hot, and is hot all the time. The light is controlled through the white (ground) side of the circuit. Most likely the orange wire is corroded and shorted under the door sill plate on the drivers side.
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