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Old 01-06-2011, 09:43 PM   #1
Ole Greenie
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Need help on determining LS6 motor

Hey ya'll...

I have a 70 CST S/S with a big block in it. I am trying to finally determine once and for all which motor I have in it. GM made a bunch of variants of BB motors and I want to know which one I have.

The motor as I understand it is a 454 LS6 motor. I can tell you that it has a Winters intake on it and it has solid lifters. I'm thinking it is a crate motor and fairly recent, not vintage because it has a 7.4 in the block casting.

The guy I bought it from said it was an LS6 but I am skeptical because it should run a bit quicker given about 450HP rating for a true LS6.

There is no stamping I can find to check the serial code but I do know that it is not a "CE" motor for replacement under warranty.

Any help from the engine Gurus would be great!
John Paap
Ole Greenie
Hagerstown, MD
My Mistress
70 CST Short/Step
LS 5.3/4L65E
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