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Old 01-07-2011, 12:17 AM   #1
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oil pressure switch (sensor) 2003 5.3

I just wanted to add this repair in so hopefully it will be an easy search for somebody in the future.

My oil gage on my 2003 5.3 was all of a sudden at 80 I replaced the oil pressure switch (sensor) and it solved the problem.

It's location is on the drivers side on the top of the block between the fire wall and the manifold. and is right next to another sensor. you can just see it but should get your berings with a small mirror and reach in and unplug the harness, then use a 1 1/6 deep socket. My hands are small so I could just get in there without removeing anything except the vortec cover.

I used the brand Standard with the part# PS308 and at Idel I'm at 40

I know this is a repeat of information but I hope the title oil pressure switch (sensor) 2003 5.3 will allow an easy search.
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