Originally Posted by DirtyLarry
Okay, now that I told you have great Superwinch hubs are there is one downside to them. They are a MOFO to remove after you once install them. They have very aggressive counter sunk bolts that hold them on. Once you put them on, they won’t come loose….even when you want them too. If you ever need to get them off you must beat on the hub and beat on the hub some more with a dead blow hammer to get the bolts to crack loose. I learned this the hard way not long ago after stripping the torx head bolt trying to get them off. Never had that problem with Milemarker’s but I did have Milemarker’s work their way loose and try to escape the front axle by themselves on more than one occasion. At least Superwinch hubs lock and unlock easy and won’t fall off the truck by themselves! 
thats good to know! One more question, how difficult a job is it? will I need any special tools? Is it a simple remove and replace type job? Im guessing it's no more difficult than changing a tire, is that a wise assumption?
Thanks again!