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Old 01-08-2011, 10:05 AM   #8
Ole Greenie
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Re: Need help on determining LS6 motor

Update...Last night I removed the carburator to install a new Edelbrock 1411 I bought. Originally thinking that that the 650 Holley I had had plugged jets (no fuel filter!) and was not spraying but rather drizzling in fuel.

So after I got it off, I inspected it for functionality. I came to discover that only the primary side was working. The secondaries were not opening at all. After a bit of time I finally got the secondaries to open and close but they do not open with the throttle linkage. So all this time, I have been running with essentially a 2-barrel carb and only 325 CFM. Any takers as to why the secondaries would not open?

Anyway, I'll be installing the new 1411 750CFM today and will post pictures of the install. This thing should run pretty well after I dial in the tune. Maybe a 150 HP increase.
John Paap
Ole Greenie
Hagerstown, MD
My Mistress
70 CST Short/Step
LS 5.3/4L65E
New motor install Thread:
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