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Old 01-08-2011, 10:27 AM   #4
just can't cover up my redneck
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Columbus OH
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Re: Need Help Cutting C-notch on 59

The 35* and 55* are correct. It just depends upon which side of the 90* you are measuring from. If you notice that the 35 and 55 add up to 90, so they are called "complimentary". If you are cutting 35* on your saw, and it is the wrong half of the complimentary, you have to "work around" it because your saw will not cut at that angle.
The simplest "trick" is to make yourself a 90* "auxillary fence".
Cut 2 pieces of angle iron (or square stock) at a 45* and weld them into a 90*, like a framing square. Grind the welds flush and smooth. Now you can clamp this "fence" to the back fence of your saw. This will give you a fence that is parallel to the blade and not square to it. At this point when you turn the blade to 35*, you get a cut that is actually 55*
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Originally Posted by Longhorn Man View Post
As for reading directions...
The directions are nothing but another man's opinion.
Learn from the mistakes of others, you won't live long enough to make them all yourself...

Bad planning on your part does not necessarily constitute an instant emergency on my part....

The great thing about being a pessimist is that you are either pleasantly surprised or right.
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