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Old 01-08-2011, 12:58 PM   #17
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Re: most original 60-66 truck in existence?

Great idea for a thread! It looks oem4me takes the prize so far. Your trucks, C 10 and the Suburban, are the cleanest most original trucks I have ever seen. Your colection takes the 60 thru 66 era to the next level. This era should be right up there with the best of any popular truck or car series ever made. Finding a clean low mileage truck that was not used commerically, is a rarity in these years.Hopefully many will learn from this thread and treat this era of truck the same way other eras of trucks and cars are treated, with more respect. People who own collector 55-57 T birds or 65 thru 67 GTOs etc. just don't drop them, change the wheels and paint them any old color that tickles their fancy.When it comes to this era truck, personal prefences seem to be more important than historical accuracy. There is a sad mentality, "its just a truck". Just a few years back, many people on this site didn't realize the 283 was painted a grayish color, the 250 was blueish , the 292 and 327 was green. And the same people probably thought the bed wood came varnished oak, not painted black. When we get more serious, the trucks will be taken more seriously.
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