actually, your best defense against that is to do research yourself. Those guys only know what the computer tells them, and if you know what you should be getting, then you can make them look harder. No parts people know how to look up parts anymore. They only look at the computer. Went to get main bearings for my 68 327, and told the guy "it's a 68 327, and I need a set of main bearings 20 under." He said to me, "What kind of car is it?" I told him it doesn't matter, it's a 68 327. Thay are large journal, and it's generic. Still he needed a car to be able to look it up in the computer. Cuz I don't think he knew what a main bearing was if it hit him in the face. I just shook my head and said we'll say it's out of a Chevelle ok, so go find it. That's why I try to find out as much as I can about what I need so I can counteract the counter jockey.