Thread: Fleetside Bed
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Old 06-27-2003, 12:43 AM   #1
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Fleetside Bed

I am looking for a 67-68 2WD shortbed 1/2ton with the big window and a fleetside bed. I have a couple of questions for some of you that obivously have a lot more experience with these truck than I do.

1.) First off, a couple people have said I can look for any truck between 67 and 72, then swap on the front clip from a 67-68. Appearance wise, is everyhting interchangable? I realize that the 67 & 68 have the more desirable front end, but is the cab and bed from all the other years the same?

2.) I might have a line on a 67, but it's a stepside. How hard is it to find a fleetside bed in good condition?

Thanks for any info


72 Chevelle

67 C10...454/TH400
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