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Old 01-09-2011, 02:12 AM   #3
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Re: 5-speed "deep thoughts..."

How does 20mph in first gear sound?

Are you forgetting to put the tire size in your math?
With a 28-29 inch tire, with a 3:27 first gear and 3:73 rears, at 2500 rpm you should be seeing about 23 mph. I don't think thats too low. You should see 2200 rpm at 70mph!

The T5's that were the precursor to the TKO's all had 1st gears in the 2;75 to 3;75 range, so a 3;27 first is right in the middle.

BTW, I'm not driving it yet, but thats the combo I have built, TKO500 with 3:73 out back.

Another thing, IIRC, If you have 3:73 gears, you cant just change the ring and pinion to go back to 3:08s- they used different diameter carriers if I understand that issue correctly.
292 + TKO500

Last edited by Heater63; 01-09-2011 at 02:17 AM.
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