Oh fiddle sticks i guess i will go ahead and post a pic of my oddball to the oldies. Its a 78 custom deluxe. Didn't really know what i was really gonna churn out yesterday, but i was off work and had bought 10 cans of Rustoleum Primer earlier this week here goes nothing.

driver side

She was in a very dilapidated condition when i brought her home a few weeks ago Next is after body repairs and <3 Jasco <3 And about 4 hours of spraying. Yes i realize that the bed still needs sprayed(Using Rusoleum bed liner for it) along with the roof is lacking the last layer of black Primer.
closer shot of the tailgate
Driver side after
Frontish view
and dead on
Still have alot of work to do like level the front bumper, Replace door pins (yes i know they are saggy), Take those god awful mirrors off. And replace them with some of the rounded side sport mirrors, Gotta match my headlights. And no worries everyone i might be 26 but i am a rodder at heart. aka no "ballin big rims".