degreasing stinks
tore apart the 74 fr. end suspension & cradle i got to rebuild & replace my 67 fr. end the last time i degreased years ago i used a solvent based and now find all thats available is a water based and was hesitent to use it, 2 1/2 gal. jug @ wal-mart was $18. and O'rielly's was $13., the brand i tried was Purple Power and found it worked very well even @ 35 degree's today . after scraping most of the heavie's off i used a number of different plastic brushes to work off the rest. they would have desolved in the old solvent based degreaser's and the cheap cement mixing tub was perfect size for all pieces but the cradle that will be a challenge to prop up. just a FYI for ya'll
1990 chevy 4x4 with a 1940 IHC body