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Old 01-10-2011, 02:46 AM   #4
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Re: Coil to HEI swap help

on that wiring issue, what i did and have seen others do as well, is you already have a power wire going to your current coil, all you have to do it cut the end off and solder on the female blade connector and that will slip right onto the power side of the HEI coil. your current plugs will work with the new distrib but like shyguy said above you need to regap them to .045 the HEI puts out more spark than the old style and you will wanna utilize that. as far as the wires, i dont like the look of wires hangin over the valve covers, so all i did was go out and bought a set for a mid 73-87 BigBlock chevy (im curently running a 327) they wrap around the block well and work great. but im sure the make your own ones would do the same... hope this helps and good luck

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