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Old 01-10-2011, 09:09 AM   #2
newly minted old timer
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Re: Took a local trip, saw some trucks, got pissed off

That kind of stuff does make you mad. Though I will say I have been on the other side dozens of times now and it has given me a different perspective. When someone would call me and say they wanted to look at something at a specific time, I would change plans and make sure I was there. I would say 6 or 7 times out of 10 they would not show up.

I would have people come look at something, said they wanted to buy it and would be back tomorrow. I would then have 2 others show up with cash in hand wanting to buy, I told them it was sold but to check back. Can you see this one coming? Ya, they first guy never came back, the other 2 never checked back....last time that happened.

Every add from then on I posted in the add, fist one with the cash in my hand gets the item. no holding. now if someone who was in the situation you were, would have given me 50 bucks and said they were going to rent a trailer and comeback tomorrow. I would have held it. But you can’t blame a guy for not holding something just on the word of as stranger.
72 c20 longhorn 65k org miles and counting!
69 k10 Suburban
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