Originally Posted by special-K
That sucks. If someone looks at a truck and says they'll be back tomorrow without leaving a deposit (non-refundable) it don't mean jack. That vehicle would still be for sale. If someone is due to come look at a specific time I have to assume they are coming. If someone gets there quicker it doesn't matter. They have to wait until the other person fails to do as they said before I give them a shot. They can look it over and offer to buy if the other deal fails. But there's more to it than 1st one with cash in hand. It's first to respond,not whoever can get there first.
Amen, he could have just said to the 2nd guy (guy who bought it) to check back after 4:00. That way, even if I didn't buy it, the other guy would not be turned away for more than a few hours at most. At the very least, he should have given me a chance to look at it first. He knew I was coming from a distance, would be there between 2:30 and 3 and that I was interested in taking it. I had not seen the truck before, this was my first opportunity to see.
When I am the seller, I do what special K said.
Too much stuff- This 4x4 was by princeton.