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Old 01-10-2011, 06:18 PM   #14
Murphy IRE
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Location: South Denver Metro, CO
Posts: 385
Re: 700R4 and NP205 combo

PO installed the 400 sb and the 700r4 (w/205). I love it now, but I went through a lot of headaches. They didn't mount it as forward as they should have! So, the CPP linkage was to short and I had to get it lengthened to about 30", the kits are 27". Also, he didn't extend the front drive shaft and it ate the splines on the yoke and Shaft. With the new linkage, I can finally drop it into 1st Manually. I had to install a low speed torque converter, PO had put in a high stall! My friend has the 350/350 and runs 1200 to 1500 rpm higher at 70mph. So my 4x4 gets better mpg than his C20 (just a little better). So as mentioned, preplanning and measuring is critical. It's hard to work on the distributor too!
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