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Old 01-12-2011, 11:49 AM   #4
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Location: Olympia, WA
Posts: 28
Re: Flatout enginering

Thanks! The truck handles very well. With my work schedule, I've only put about 400 miles on it since complete, but there have been no issues at all. I was going to mount the 'vette sway bar, but it really doesn't seem to need it.

I used the Alden coil-overs, sold with the kit by Flat-out.

Unfortunately, I didn't get pictures of the motor mounts, but here's a pic of a similar installation on a 58 that I've seen recently-perhaps on this board (apologies to the o.p., I tried to find a link, luckily I'd saved a copy!). The only concern is clearance for the rack
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