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Old 06-27-2003, 09:15 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Ewa Beach, HI
Posts: 487
Diesel equipment? Can I toss it?

OK Chevy geniuses ... I have this black box w/ computer board inside hanging by about eight to ten wires under my dash. The box is open at one end. (see pic #1.) The wires go out the firewall and most of them end nowhere. (They are either disconnected, cut or go to picture #2.) One goes to starter? and one goes to distributer. Half of the cut wires are hot in the ON position. Is it from the old diesel system? Can I remove it along with the wires?
What are those two vacuum looking things in pic. #2? Ya like my wiring mess? This truck is a fire hazard...still. I have already fixed a lot of the splices and open ended wires under the dash too. My interior light was powered by open-spliced telephone wire.
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2009 Silverado 2wd, 121k as of 04APR13. I love my truck 29 days out of the month. The payment is due on the 30th...

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