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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Liège , Belgium
Posts: 263
Of course it would be a Rocket...
I know a scrap yard at the belgian coast , where the old man who started this business at the beginning of the fifties parted a lot of cars.
I bought by a local undertaker a 1966 Buick Skylark 300ci in 1998 , it used to be a 2 doors hardtop , which had been transformed as a hearse by a guy who did only this .
I've put the lantarns and that cross in the middle of the roof in the garbage , & I was proudly gone with my very first american car .
I went to that scrap yard guy because my wiper motor was toasted.
the guy : " this is not an original station-wagon , he ?"
me : " no , it was a 2 doors "
the guy : "follow me , I'll show you something..."
walking & crawling between a lot of wrecks in a big shed , he showed me that :
a 1967 2 doors full body , stripped but complete with all the windows , laying on a 1971 Chrysler New-Yorker Sedan...
the guy : " see , that car have had a front crash in 1971 , this shed was new , it is the second car I've put in it...
this car was put from 1971 in that shed , no rust , no dents , no nothing
me : "ok , how much"
the guy : "forget it , it's not a problem of money here but I should move at least 25 other wrecks to may move this one , I have no time , blablabla..."
I never got that body.
I saw in that same shed a lot of american engines , stored by brand ( F@rt , Chevy , MOPAR , etc...)
in another shed , at least 50 wrecks of american cars , mainly Mustangs 1970/1971 & Mustangs II , as there were a lot of them sold in Belgium , mostly with the 2.3 , 4 cylinders engine.
I couldn't believe my eyes...
The guy showed me also a panel on a wall in his desk , with old faded pic's of special cars , wrecked by crash , that he parted :
- a 1969 Ferrari Daytona , brand new , two days old , 300 km's on the odo , fallen on her roof...
- a few muscle cars from the sixties...
- a Lamborghini Urraco
- others I don't remember
I should go back there & ask if he has no engine out of a Olds 4-4-2 , who knows ?
I should within years go back on board one of our frigates , as propulsion Officer , I know one of them go once a year to the USA , maybe I will have the chance to bring back home that fat Olds BB I dream of...
Seriously , my next car or truck will be a GM product , & I think to go in your country take some vacation & buy the one I want , put it myself on the ship , & be there at Antwerp when the ship arrives...
My dream ?
Well , a Chevy 1973-1979 crew cab dually , 454ci , would be a good choice , wouldn'it ?
Or my ultimate GM dream , a 1955 Chevy 2 doors Nomad , stock...
Cheers & a good sunday to you all
The Baron
1979 C10 long bed , Olds 350ci engine , stock
1977 Cheby Impala Sedan , straight six 250ci , "Ye Old Reliable"
1960 Girl friend , frame still good , body has some dents