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Old 01-15-2011, 05:12 PM   #3
79 silverado
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Re: Any thoughts on the valuse of this truck?

I would actually peg it about 3-4k or where its at now, AND, I bet it winds up relisted for a non-payer.

If you look close at the pics you will see the front fenders are rusted out up front, in fact, the passenger side has a 4"x4" or so bondo patch behind the bumper. Likewise, you can see the lower rear bedside by the back bumper rusted with some rust color showing through the paint.

There's no mention of it in the ad, but its there to see if you look close at the pics. I bet the winning bidder sees it in person, sees the unmentioned rust, and refuses to pay.

It is a good survivor, but needs work at the same time and I am sure it has rust elsewhere. somewhere in the $3-4k range sounds about right to me...

Last edited by 79 silverado; 01-15-2011 at 05:13 PM.
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