Re: Trouble with windshield install. Question
I used to install auto glass for a living. I would never use Vaseline or ATF for a lube, it's way too messy. I use dishsoap diluted a bit, or silicone. Also, use a 3/16" sash cord, 3/8ths is too big. I've always started the cord at the bottom, put it in the pinchweld groove all the way around, and put 1 twist where they come together, and tuck it ih the groove with the tail sticking out. Now put the dishsoap solution around the rubber, put the windshield in the hole, and start pulling the cord one side at a time till you get to each bottom corner, gently slapping the windshield with the palm of your hand, NOT YOUR FIST! And don't get ahead of the cord with the slapping. Work your way up the sides, and take one corner at a time. A cotter pin remover tool comes in very hand to assist getting the corners in.You might have to take the tool and reach under the seal at the base and pull the rubber a little, pushing it firmly down over the bottom pinchweld, then actually pull down a bit on ther top of the windshield, and finish roping it in. A few slaps here and there , and it should fit like a glove. I live in the Tampa Bay area, and if anyone near would like a free windshield install, I would be more than happy to do it, if you would video tape it, so we can post for others to see!