Thread: TPI conversion
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Old 01-17-2011, 06:13 PM   #4
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Re: TPI conversion

I did it a few years back. Great mod! There are a lot of great sites on the web for info on this conversion. Take your time, plan it out, and learn what all the parts and sensors do. It'll really help in the long run when you've got some troubleshooting to do. I used a stock wiring harness and spent the time to learn where all the wires went. For a fuel pump, I used an in tank unit from Tanks, Inc. You need to extend the vertical riser about 2" to reach the bottom of the stock blazer tank.

I've got a lot of notes and websites somewhere, I'll see what I can dig up. Ask all the questions you want.
The rides:
'72 Blazer 350/4spd/Tuned Port Injection
'69 Firebird 400/4 speed
2001 Dodge Dakota Sport 4X4/4.7L V8/5 spd/Headers/Jet Chip, etc. Daily Driver
2002 Airborne Zeppelin (roadbike) Titanium frame/Campy Chorus
2004 Filippi Italia S (rowing shell)
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