Blap, I'll get with you when I get it all out
Dozerman, $20 plus shipping for 4 barrel air cleaner, if you want the spacer and rubber hose for pcv valve another $10
Dadsworktruck, Don, I'll get it out and get pics of it, I know it will need a good cleaning. Holders are yours if you like the radiator
Dieselwrencher, Ryan, bed floor is junk I about fell through it
1s1nova71, if this one is not any good I have a real good one off another truck for $40 plus shipping or you can make the trip up here
Sharpie, Dennis, how's $18 for those plus shipping. I can't believe what jack setups are going for on ebay, the last 2 sets I seen sell went for $150 plus shipping. I'm thinking about taking the one out of the eagle truck and sell it.
Sure you can have this gate its a nice one!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Randy