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Old 01-18-2011, 10:51 PM   #13
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Re: From Idiot lights to Gauges. Couple Q's

how'd you clean yours up? I have one of these sitting up at my parents place to swap over to when I'm getting to the final stages of my build.
Hey rodeoboater, it was actually more straightforward than I expected...I was sure I'd break it somehow,lol. After you take out the small hex head screws around the perimeter of the cluster, the aluminum trim, metal plate and plastic face all come apart for easy cleaning.

I used some windex on the clear piece and some water with clean rags on the other stuff. Q-tips came in handy getting into tighter spots...I was pretty paranoid about wacking a needle and buggering it up. I also carefully blasted some air in behind the gauges to blow the spider webs and dust out...seemed to work pretty good.

For the aluminum trim, I hit it with a finer wire wheel and some small files to get all the paint off...can be a pain to get it out of all the small grooves. Then hit it with some sand paper and a scotch brite pad. you could really polish it up and have it like a mirror with a little work.

oh yeah and OP you NEED to read this link. It's how to swap from idiots to factory guages
NICE! that is exactly the info I needed. thanks!

Last edited by dracko; 01-18-2011 at 10:52 PM.
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