Thread: Dual tanks ??
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Old 01-20-2011, 09:00 PM   #18
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Re: Dual tanks ??

My fuel guage read 1/4 tank on both tanks, until the tank(s) were actually 1/4 tank full, then the gauge worked properly. Following all of the diagnostics I could find, I determined that the sending units were bad. That was not the case - the sending units were OK but the fuel gauge itself was bad. You can find all sorts of diagnostics on fuel guage/sending unit malfunctions both here on this site and elsewhere, but I think there is some guesswork in whatever method you follow.
My advice is always to buy a new fuel gauge for $50 and install it - 20 minute job and you don't have to get dirty. If the new gauge does not fix the problem - sell the gauge (new or working old one) on Ebay or see if you can return to vendor (not likely on electronic parts and the return shipping would make it not worthwhile.)
There are bench tests for fuel gauges and sending units involving resistance checks and special test sets (homemade or otherwise), but for $50 I would take the new gauge route (less than $50 when you resell it.)
I have driven some old squares without operating fuel gauges but it drives me nuts - especially since you don't get too far on these old gas hogs, be it 350 or 454. I cringe every time I drop $100 to fill up the dual 20 gallon tanks on my 83 C20 454 dump conversion. Fortunately, it is not my daily driver - driven only about 1500-2000 miles per year to the dump and Home Depot/Lowes.
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