I have 2 decent tailgates, but both have pencil eraser size rust holes on the inside near the bottom (well, where they rust out...) No prob to cut those areas out and weld in new metal.....but it seems to me that they rust through from the
inside.i think that the only way to fix one right would be to take it apart (split it) and rust treat the inside of the tailgate.
I need a gate badly for my '67,but I am hesitant to spend as much as $400 on a 'super nice OE gate' that is 40 years old and may be just before having one of those rust holes pop thru. Then I would have the same thing that I have now minus the 4 Ben Franklins.
Another possibility that might work would be to buy a cheap aftermarket gate, split it, and use the inside piece of it with a straight OE outer so that it has OE metal with the "Chevrolet" across the back.
I dont want a gate W/O the lettering on it.
I did a search on this site and found no info, anyone done this and have pics and info to share? Thanks!