Thread: 3r!c84 build
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Old 01-21-2011, 11:14 AM   #463
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Re: 3r!c84 build

you sure it's the pan gasket. you positive it's the pan gasket? The O ring on the dipstick tube can leak and fluid will run down onto the pan and then drip off. It's a pretty common thing for the O ring to get old, brittle and cracked and start to leak.

I read some where RTV and trans fluid don't do well together, Check the RTV that you used to make sure that it
is compatible with transmission fluid. it used to be stated that NO
sealant at all was to be used on the transmission pan gasket but I don't
know if this is still correct.
Also the silicone allows the the gasket to be "slippery" enough to move when over torqued.

Last edited by nbpro; 01-21-2011 at 11:15 AM.
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