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Old 06-30-2003, 09:47 AM   #1
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Starting Problems :(

I drove my truck several times this weekend and had no problems. I came back from a buddy's house yesterday, showered and cleaned up, then got back into the truck to go somewhere. Wouldn't start. It would cranka and crank, but not turn over. I could smell gas eventually so it probably got a little flooded.

So, I called the wife to pick me up and let it sit for several hours. Came back home and it started fine.

So, I let it run for while and then shut it down.

I went out this morning to go to work and the same problem again. Wouldn't turn over. I know it wasn't flooded when I first tried to start it but it eventually did when I was trying to get it going.

Another weird thing about it is that if I try and crank it and it doesn't go, I don't turn the key off. When I do that and try and start it again, sometimes the starter will just spin. And sometimes the starter keeps spinning even after I turn the key back. However, if I try and start it and then turn the key all the way back to Off and back to start, it doesn't do that???? Weird stuff.

My questions are:

1. What should I look at first with the problems with turning over? What should I check?

2. Do you think that maybe the ignition switch is bad and that is what is causing the starter to keep spinning even after I bring the key back to off? If not, what could it be.

I'll have a little time to work on it this evening, so any suggestions would be nice.

Scott Shelbourne

Last edited by BigRed; 06-30-2003 at 10:47 AM.
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