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Old 01-21-2011, 11:24 PM   #1
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temp sender with 1/4npt threads

hey all, i just wanted to share my find with you guys. i've put alot of searching into it so maybe it'll help one or two of you. just for reference, i've got an 85 swb with a 5.3 in it. the computer sensor is on the front of the left head. i tapped the rear of the right head where there was a m12 plug out to 1/4npt. in hindsight, i should have gone 3/8npt. but since i didn't, i put on a 3/8-1/4 bell reducer and a closed nipple into the head. the 3/8npt sending unit went into the nipple enough that it couldn't flow hardly any coolant around the sender. so sitting in my driveway, it would read 210. all day, all night. but within a few miles down the highway, it would cool off all the way to 100*(on the gauge). so i found a sender with 1/4npt threads. the resistance isn't spot on, but it's close enough for me. on my gauge it says 100 then a mark, then 210. it reads halfway between the mark and 210. about 180* when the engine is actually running 210. it runs 210 in the hottest part of summer(right after i put it in) and 210 now that it's 9* outside. so i'm not as concerned with deadly accuracy as much as consistency. for me, it's plenty close enough.

1984 corvette 5.7 is the vehicle it is the engine oil temp sender. not the one for coolant.

borg-warner part number S8502 $122.00
duralast part number PS201 $20.00

my local auto zone couldn't handle the task of getting it ordered for me, so i had o'reilly price match it. i have no idea why the bwd was so much higher.

Last edited by misternash2; 01-21-2011 at 11:26 PM. Reason: clarification
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