Did I Buy a 68 Fender By Accident?
I bought a fender off Craigslist that the guy said was for a 72 and now, over a year later, I'm putting my truck back together and I have a problem. The fender gave me fits trying to get it bolted back on- the holes just would not quite line up so my buddy helped me pull and push it to where we got most of the bolts in. I put the hood on today and the fit is different versus the original fender that I put back on the other side. In the front, the curve down to the grill surround is not the smooth, even curve like the other side (original fender). And when I put the cowl on the hood is probably 3/8 inch higher than the cowl, while the other side the cowl and hood are the same height like they should be. So what do you think? Am I trying to put a 68 fender on my 72?