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Old 01-23-2011, 02:50 AM   #1
Stalker Nate
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Langley, BC, Canada
Posts: 1,556
How much weight can it tow?

OK, I've done enough searching of this site and from what I've read, not many of you have towed anything with your blazer.

Besides the obvious, short wheel base and weight restrictions on a blazer vs a truck, I may be left to use my blazer this week to tow my new toy back home if I can't get my buddy's 3/4T Chev.

I'll have an 18ft car hauler trailer/wooden deck - 2000lbs approximately I'm guessing. And I'm picking up a '68 Suburban with extra seats and wheels so I'm looking at around 5000lbs for it.

7000lbs and I have to tow it 120miles one way back home. For the Washington guys, I'm thinking about taking #9 vs the I5 since I figure the 9 will have less traffic and I can do my 40mph without bothering people. I'm throwing in extra leafs in the truck this week so it doesn't sag with the extra weight and testing it out with the trailer and vehicles to see what I can pull safely.

So what's the most anybody's towed with their blazer? Anybody actually haul 6000+lbs with their blazer??? Mine's all stock besides the extra leafs I'll be putting in.


Last edited by dubds10; 01-23-2011 at 02:51 AM.
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